We are committed to ensuring that slavery and human trafficking will not be tolerated within our Group and our statement outlines our adherence to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the steps we take to mitigate risks of incidents within the organisation or our supply chains.
At Markerstudy we commit to valuing our people no matter their background, together we can build a stronger community where everyone can succeed and fulfil their full potential. We embrace our responsibility to challenge ourselves and others to create an inclusive organisation that enables everyone to thrive. Please click to view our Gender Pay Gap Report.
Section 172 of the Companies Act 2006 sets out a number of general duties that directors owe to a company. These include a general duty requiring directors to act in a way in which they consider, in good faith, will promote the success of the company for the benefit of shareholders as a whole.
Since 2021, we have disclosed our group carbon emissions, mapping to the internationally recognised Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG). In 2024, we achieved Bronze from EcoVadis, global leaders in business sustainability ratings.
This document sets out the UK tax strategy of the Markerstudy Group, and details our approach to conducting our tax affairs and dealing with tax risks in accordance with the tax laws of the countries in which we operate. This tax strategy is produced in accordance with the requirement under paragraph 19(2) of Schedule 19 to the Finance Act 2016 for Markerstudy Group Holdings Limited (the ultimate UK parent entity of the Group) to publish the Group’s tax strategy on the internet.
Our vision is to be the No.1 provider of general insurance services and innovative solutions to customers in the UK. You can read about the detailed results of Markerstudy in our Report and Accounts, 2022.
Our vision is to be the No.1 provider of general insurance services and innovative solutions to customers in the UK. You can read about the detailed results of Markerstudy in our Report and Accounts, 2023.
We have invited our suppliers to sign our Sustainable Supply Chain Charter to demonstrate their commitment to Markerstudy Group’s sustainability objectives. The charter represents the first part of our Sustainable Supply Chain Programme, which seeks to align our organisation with our supply chain in a spirit of cooperation and support. View the report to find out more.
Markerstudy Group is committed to building a sustainable legacy by responsibly managing our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) impacts in a way that benefits all our stakeholders from colleagues to customers. View the report to find out more.
As part of Our Responsibility, Markerstudy Group’s Sustainable Supply Chain Programme aims to collaborate with suppliers of all sustainability maturity levels to encourage equality of opportunity and diversity, mitigate environmental risk, take action against modern slavery and child labour, and look to suppliers to support in reducing our carbon footprint. View the report to find out more.
** According to Investors in People as at 27.10.24.